The Pain of Making Assumptions

As human beings we are built for connection. Dr. James Richards says, “The quality of our emotional life is found in the quality of our relationships. We are social, emotional, and relationship oriented beings. Having deep and meaningful relationships is one of...
Having a Strong Sense of Self Part 2

Having a Strong Sense of Self Part 2

What do I mean by developing a strong sense of self? It is not independence from God, but rather a very deep trust and abiding in Him. It is not being self-absorbed, self-conscious, or domineering, but rather a freedom to simply be. You can be yourself, because of the...
Having a Strong Sense of Self Part 1

Having a Strong Sense of Self Part 1

Maybe he is right about me,” Melissa said, tears streaming down her face. β€œAll my married life I have been told that everything that goes wrong is my fault.” After suffering many years under mental, verbal, and emotional abuse from her husband, Melissa was confused as...